The Pension & Life Assurance Plan of Thomas Fattorini Limited : 3746
The assets of the Group Pension Contract are held with Clerical Medical’s With-Profits Fund. These investment funds are under the control of their Managers who make all the investment decisions. Neither Thomas Fattorini Ltd nor the Trustees have any input in this regard.
The fund’s aim is to generate capital growth over the medium to long term, with some stability over the short term, whilst enabling Clerical Medical to meet the guarantees provided to policyholders. The Group Pension Contract is a wholly insured scheme, the terms of which incorporate Guaranteed Annuity Rates, which in turn underpin the Scheme’s liabilities and inform the funding position of the Scheme.
Consequently, it would only be in very extreme circumstances that the Trustees would re-consider this approach.
G Fattorini, M. Fern
16th September 2023